摘要: 周口盆地位于淮河流域上游,横跨豫、皖两省,广大地区均被第四系所覆盖。近几年来,随着石油普查和勘探工作的进展,盆地中第四系以下地层已有许多新的揭露和发现。1983年在周口盆地沈丘拗陷的钻探工作中,南2井和周参10井相继揭露了一套黑灰色地层,主要岩性为深灰色、黑灰色泥岩与浅灰色、灰色粉—细砂岩互层夹多层碳质页岩和煤线,厚约606米。在其中发现了丰富的孢粉化石,经笔者研究和鉴定,发现有47属,74种,其中有3个新种。该孢粉化石组合指示这组地层地质时代为早白垩世。周口盆地早白垩世黑灰色地层的发现,为石油和天然气的勘探开拓了新的领域。Abstract: The materials dealt with the present paper are obtained from the drilling cores of the Shengqiu Formation in Zhoukou Basin.This formation is composed of a series of grey, dark grey, black claystones and light grey, fine to medium grained sandstones, intercalated with black carbonaceous shales and bands of coal, containing abundant sporo-pollen. This sporo-pollen assemblage is characterized by the predominance of gymnospermous pollen (83-61%), relatively abundant pteridophytic spores (9-17%) and few grains of angiospermous pollen. The gymnospcrmous pollens mainly consist of classopollis (60-84%). In addition, it contains some disacoate pollen grains, Cycadopites,Araucariacites, Psophosphaera,etc.. The pteridophytic spores arc characterized by the dominance of Lygodiaceae(5-12%), which includes Cicatricosisporites, Schi-zaeoisporites, Lygodiumsporites, Concavissimisporites, Klukisporites, Ver-rucosisporitcs, Contignisporites, etc.. Jugella of presumed angiospermous are very rare. This sporo-pollen assemblage is similar to those from South China named Classopollis-Schizaeoisporites microflora (Li wenben, 1980), therefore, the Shenqiu Formation is probably Early Cretaceous in age (Barremian).It is suggested that the climate of Zhoukou Basin should be of dry tropical-subtropical type at that time.
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