The Miocene Sedimentation in the Reggio di Calabria, South Italy
摘要: 本文主要讨论意大利南部雷焦卡拉布里亚地区中新世的沉积作用.中新世时,该区为一濒海盆地,具有自己的物源区.中新统下部沉积了一套粗碎屑的冲积扇沉积物,然后迅速进入扇-三角洲-浊流沉积环境.与此同时,同沉积构造局部影响了中新世的沉积作用.受区域构造活动的影响,大约在Messinian时结束了沉积作用.Abstract: In the light of current ideas on the western Mediterranean back arc-thrust system,the Mlocene sedimentation in the Ragglo di Calabrla area was studied.With a local provenance,the Miocene sedimentation started with local deposition of coarse-grained subaerial sediments in the form of alluvial fans.These rapidly evolved to a fan-delta-turbidite facies association.The synsedimentary structures locally affected the sedimentation.The Miocene sedimentation was terminated at about Messinian time due to the regional tectonic.
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