摘要: 文中通过加水热模拟实验,对海相页岩和泥灰岩热解气特征进行了系统的对比、研究。两种岩石的沉积环境、矿物组成等方面都不同,因而在天然气生成特征上存在差异。根据加水热模拟结果,在有机质演化的成熟阶段,泥灰岩的总气体产率要高于页岩,并且随演化程度增加,产率差异增大;二者的总气态烃产率基本相近,在较高温度下,泥灰岩的气态烃产率开始明显高于页岩。两个样品的总气体组成中,页岩的烃类含量高于泥灰岩,泥灰岩干燥系数高于页岩,但两个样品的气体干燥系数一般低于0.55,在高温下趋于一致;页岩的正构烃相对含量高于泥灰岩。两个样品非烃气中的一氧化碳含量均很低,页岩的二氧化碳含量明显高于泥灰岩,氮气和氢气含量则低于泥灰岩,其中氮气的生成主要发生于有机质成熟的早、中期阶段。Abstract: In this paper,the authors discussed the gas generating characteristics of marine shale and marl by hydropyrolysis.At the mature stage of organic matter,the total gas yield of marl was above that of shale,and their total gaseous hydrocarbon yield was approximately the same.The difference between their total gas yield increased with temperature,and the gaseous hydrocarbon yield of marl was above that of shale at higher temperature.The gas drying coefficient of marl was above that of shale and was below 0.55,and their gas drying coefficient tended to be the same at higher temperature.The normal alkane abundance was higher in shale than in marl,and was stronger than the isonormal alkane,s.Dioxide carbon,nitrogen and hydrogen were major,and oxide carbon was little among nonhydrocarbons.Dioxide carbon content in shale was above that in marl,and hydrogen content in shale was below that in marl.Nitrogen yield was higher at the early and middle mature stage,and was more in marl than in shale.
Key words:
- marl shale /
- gaseous hydrocarbon /
- organic matter /
- natural gas /
- gases from pyrolysis /
- hydropyrolysis simulation /
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