摘要: 有效烃源岩、输导体系、成藏时间及期次是成藏机理的主要研究内容,综合运用油源对比、断裂-砂体研究、油藏充注史分析结果,认为梁家楼油田下第三系沙三中+下亚段及沙四上亚段有效烃源岩主要通过同生断层与沙三上亚段储层连通,断层是输导体系的主要组成部分,断层活动产生的地震泵效应与地层流体异常高压是运移主要动力,3期断层活动史与3期油藏充注史具有良好的对应关系,成藏机理可归纳为幕式断层活动控制油气幕式运移与充注。Abstract: Effective source rock, passage system and infilling time are the chief study content of reservoir forming mechanism. Based on the conclusions of source rock contrast, passage system analysis, and reservoir infilling (history), it is pointed out that, effective source rock of the upper Es4 and middle-lower Es3 members is connected with reservoir of the upper Es3 member through growth faults, therefore faults play an important role in the passage system of Liangjialou oilfield. The main migration forces are seismic pumping caused by growth fault activities, and abnormal liquid overpressure caused by mudstone undercompaction and hydrocarbon generation. There is correspondent relation between the histories of fault activity and reservoir infilling. The mechanism of reservoir forming could be described as the episodic migration and infilling dominated by episodic fault activities.
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