摘要: 20世纪30年代,德国学者劳伯梅耶和前苏联学者索柯洛夫创造了气测法,揭开了油气化探发展的序幕。至今,已经形成了一系列方法指标,用于检测地表环境中与烃类微渗漏有关的各种物理、化学、生物学变化,检测地表微量油气信息的化探实验测试技术得到了长足的发展,根据地表化探异常评价深部含油气性的可靠性也大大提高。尽管地表地球化学勘探技术尚无法准确评价油气藏的含油气层系、埋藏深度及其规模,然而国内外勘探实践结果证明,油气地表地球化学勘探在区域含油气性评价、检测圈闭构造中的直接油气信息、钻探靶区优选等方面均取得良好效果,是一种有效的油气勘探手段,对石油地质和地球物理等常规油气勘探方法具有重要的辅助作用。从现有研究和应用成果来看,无论在陆地还是海洋,油气化探技术与常规油气勘探方法相结合在油气勘探开发全过程均能发挥一定的作用。由于地表地球化学勘探技术具有廉价、快速、直接等特点和优势,随着研究的不断深入和方法技术的不断创新,其在我国未来几十年油气勘探中将发挥越来越大的作用。Abstract: In 1930's,German Laubmeyer and former Soviet Sokolov developed gas surveying method,raising the curtain on petroleum geochemical exploration.Up to now a whole series of methods and indicators have been set up so as to detect the physical,chemicalandbiologicalchanges related to hydrocarbon microseep in surface environment.The experimental analysis techniques used to detect micro petroleum information near surface have been considerably developed.The reliability of evaluating deep oil and gas prospect according to the surface geochemical anomaly has been greatly improved.The hydrocarbon-bearing interval,buried depth and scale of an oil and gas accumulation can not be accurately determined by surface geochemical exploration as yet.However,the expleration practice at home and abroad has proved that by using petroleum geochemical prospecting methods,good results in regional oil-and gas-prospect evaluation,direct detection of hydrocarbon in a trap as well as optimizing drilling targets were achieved.Surface petroleum geochemical prospecting is an effective oil and gas exploration means being supplemental to conventional petroleum geologic and geophysical methods.According to the existing research and application achievements,combining oil and gas geochemical techniques with the conventional petroleum exploration methods can play a certain role in the whole processes of petroleum exploration and development no matter in land or in ocean.Surface oil and gas geochemical exploration has characteristics and advantages of low-cost,short-period and directness.This technology will play an increasingly important role in oil and gas exploration in the coming dozens of years along with the research being deepgoing and unceasing innovation of methods.
Key words:
- surface /
- oil and gas geochemical exploration /
- success rate /
- technical position
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