Packers used in inflow control device (ICD) for completion of horizontal wells
摘要: 为了有效提高水平井调流控水筛管的调控精度,实现全井筒封隔,提出用封隔体颗粒代替传统封隔器对储层进行封隔,阻挡井筒内流体的横向流动,使调流控水筛管直接对地层起到阻水稳油的作用,实现全水平井段动态调节入流剖面,无限级控水。该技术成功应用于塔河油田二次完井中,首次通过非机械工具实现管内封隔。目前已研发了耐高温、更经济的封隔体材质,室内实验评价性能良好,在新井和二次完井中具有推广价值。Abstract: We used packing grains to replace traditional packer in order to improve the precision of inflow control device (ICD) for the completion of horizontal wells, and to seal the whole well bore. Flows in horizontal directions can be blocked. In this way, ICD controls water flow and stabilizes oil production. It realizes the dynamic adjustment of flows in the whole horizontal well section. This new technique was applied in the second completion of the Tahe oil field. This was the first time adopting non-mechanical tools to realize packing in tube. We designed new packing materials, which can stand higher pressure and are more economic. The materials performed well in laboratory experiments, and have a good potential in new well completion and secondary completion.
Key words:
- horizontal well /
- packing grain /
- inflow control /
- secondary completion /
- packing in tube
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