Characteristics of Shunbei No.8 strike-slip fault in Shunbei region of Tarim Basin and their controls on reservoirs
摘要: 以塔里木盆地顺北地区顺北8号走滑断裂带为研究对象,运用新三维地震资料,并结合区域应力场背景,厘定了其主要活动期次和形成机制。根据该断裂带在中下奥陶统的分段变形特征,将其分为直立—线状、正花—羽状及负花拉分破碎3个分段带,再结合已钻井的储层特征、断裂构造样式及反映储层特征的相关属性,认为负花—拉分破碎带储层最发育,正花—羽状次之,直立-线状最差。Abstract: The main activity stages and formation mechanism of the Shunbei No.8 strike-slip fault in the Shunbei region of Tarim Basin were studied based on new 3D seismic data and regional stress field background. According to the zoned deformation in the Middle and Lower Ordovician, the fault was divided into three segments:upright-linear, positive flower-pinnate, and negative flower-pull apart. The reservoir properties of drilling wells and the tectonic styles of the fault showed that the negative flower-pull apart zone is most favorable for reservoir development, the positive flower-pinnate zone the second, and the upright-linear zone the worst.
Key words:
- strike-slip fault /
- deformation characteristics /
- segmentation /
- Shunbei region /
- Tarim Basin
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