Controlling factors and countermeasures for exploring large and medium-sized gas fields in Sichuan Basin
摘要: 作为世界上最早开发利用天然气的地区,四川盆地油气资源丰富,已经发现了28个工业油气产层,建立起了我国第一个完整的天然气工业体系。在对四川盆地大中型气田形成的主控因素分析的基础上,进一步明确盆地大中型气田的勘探有利领域与方向。四川盆地具有裂陷槽控烃、古隆起控藏、侵蚀面控储、盖层控保、断裂控储的天然气富集特点。近源供烃、大型古隆起聚集、侵蚀不整合面溶蚀碳酸盐岩有效储集、区域稳定盖层保存、深大断裂输导等是天然气得以富集的主控因素,大中型气田的勘探重点应该围绕三大古隆起、两个裂陷槽以及基底断裂展开,通过优选,认为海相碳酸盐岩领域中震旦系—下古生界、二叠系—三叠系高能相带及三叠系雷口坡组,陆相致密碎屑岩,二叠系火成岩以及页岩气等领域是下步大中型油气田的有利勘探领域。Abstract: The Sichuan Basin has been known to be rich of oil and gas resources, and after the exploration and development for more than 70 years, oil and gas reservoirs (mainly gas reservoirs) have been widely discovered in 28 strata, and the first complete gas industrial system has been built in this basin. The main constraint factors for the formation of large and medium-sized gas fields in the Sichuan Basin were discussed in this paper, and some favorable exploration targets were proposed. The enrichment of natural gas in the Sichuan Basin has several characteristics including the generation, accumulation, reservoir, preservation and migration of natural gas which were controlled by rift troughs, paleo-uplifts, erosion surfaces, cap rocks and faults, respectively. Near-source hydrocarbon supply, hydrocarbon accumulation in paleo-uplifts, effective reservoirs caused by the dissolution of carbonate rocks at the erosion surface of unconformity, regional stable preservation by cap rocks and migration through deep and large faults were the main controlling factors for natural gas enrichment. Therefore, the exploration activity for large and medium-sized gas fields was suggested to focus on 3 paleo-uplifts, 2 rifted troughs, and the basement faults in the Sichuan Basin. Through optimization, it was concluded that the Sinian to Lower Paleozoic strata, the high-energy phase band of Permian-Triassic and the Leikoupo Formation of Triassic in the marine carbonate area, the tight continental clastic rocks, the volcanic rocks in Permian and the shale gas areas are the favorable fields for further exploring for large and medium-sized gas fields.
表 1 四川盆地含油气层系常规天然气资源量
Table 1. Conventional resource abundance of oil and gas bearing strata in Sichuan Basin
层系 探明储量/
108 m3剩余资源量/
108 m3总资源量/
108 m3探明程度/
%已发现典型油气藏 震旦系 5 941 19 474 25 415 23 安岳、威远 寒武系 4 461 14 634 19 095 23 磨溪 奥陶系 2 1 165 1 167 0 东山、威远 志留系 0 3 369 3 369 0 石炭系 2 412 10 088 12 500 19 大天池、七里峡、卧龙河、相国寺 中二叠统 852 19 148 20 000 4 邛西、圣灯山、威远 上二叠统长兴组—
下三叠统飞仙关组9 735 31 858 41 593 23 普光、元坝、河坝场 下三叠统嘉陵江组 1 227 10 801 12 028 10 兴隆场、宜宾、赤水 中三叠统雷口坡组 855 10 316 11 171 8 彭州、中坝 上三叠统须家河组 10 956 37 506 48 462 23 合兴场、马路背 侏罗系 3 126 8 991 12 117 26 成都、白马庙 合计 39 567 167 350 206 917 19 (均值) 注:数据截至2019年底。 表 2 四川盆地震旦系—下古生界发现的主要油气田
Table 2. Major oil and gas fields discovered in Sinian-Lower Paleozoic strata in Sichuan Basin
油气田名称 探明储量/108 m3 发现时间/年 油气层位 储集类型 主要圈闭类型 威远 1.66 1975 桐梓组 孔隙—裂缝 岩性—构造 东山 0.55 1987 奥陶系 缝洞型 岩性—构造 安岳 4 403.83 2013 龙王庙组 孔隙型 构造 安岳 4 083.96 2012 灯影组四段 裂缝—孔隙 构造 威远 11.02 1975 洗象池群 孔隙—裂缝 裂缝 威远 400.00 1964 灯影组 缝洞型 岩性—构造 长宁—威远 1 635.32 2011 五峰组—龙马溪组 孔隙—裂缝 裂缝 涪陵 6 008.14 2012 五峰组—龙马溪组 孔隙—裂缝 裂缝 南川—武隆 543.06 2016 龙马溪组 孔隙—裂缝 裂缝 威荣 1 246.78 2015 龙马溪组 孔隙—裂缝 裂缝 -
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