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熊伟 王越 熊峥嵘 梅文科 白仲才 蔡倩茹 宋智华

熊伟, 王越, 熊峥嵘, 梅文科, 白仲才, 蔡倩茹, 宋智华. 准噶尔盆地石北凹陷岛弧环境下火山—沉积建造特征及源储发育模式——以石炭系姜巴斯套组为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(4): 656-666. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202304656
引用本文: 熊伟, 王越, 熊峥嵘, 梅文科, 白仲才, 蔡倩茹, 宋智华. 准噶尔盆地石北凹陷岛弧环境下火山—沉积建造特征及源储发育模式——以石炭系姜巴斯套组为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(4): 656-666. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202304656
XIONG Wei, WANG Yue, XIONG Zhengrong, MEI Wenke, BAI Zhongcai, CAI Qianru, SONG Zhihua. Characteristics of volcanic-sedimentary formations and developmental patterns of source and reservoir rocks in an island arc environment of Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin: taking the Carboniferous Jiangbasitao Formation as an example[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(4): 656-666. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202304656
Citation: XIONG Wei, WANG Yue, XIONG Zhengrong, MEI Wenke, BAI Zhongcai, CAI Qianru, SONG Zhihua. Characteristics of volcanic-sedimentary formations and developmental patterns of source and reservoir rocks in an island arc environment of Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin: taking the Carboniferous Jiangbasitao Formation as an example[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(4): 656-666. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202304656


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202304656

中国石化科技部项目“准噶尔盆地石炭—二叠系潜力评价与目标优选” P21077-1



  • 中图分类号: TE122.3

Characteristics of volcanic-sedimentary formations and developmental patterns of source and reservoir rocks in an island arc environment of Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin: taking the Carboniferous Jiangbasitao Formation as an example

  • 摘要: 准噶尔盆地石北凹陷位于盆地东部的陆梁隆起带北部,前期针对石北凹陷石炭系火山岩圈闭勘探一直未获突破。近期完钻的准北6井揭示了其石炭系姜巴斯套组自生自储型油气藏具有较大的勘探潜力,但以往针对这类储层的成因及分布研究较少。为了深入研究石北凹陷岛弧环境下火山—沉积建造特征及其源储发育模式,在前人研究的基础上,利用钻井岩心、地震及测试资料,结合烃源岩地球化学特征分析,对姜巴斯套组火山—沉积建造、烃源岩特征进行了系统研究,建立了岛弧控制下的火山岩—火山碎屑沉积岩—烃源岩发育模式,以期为具有相同沉积背景的地区油气勘探提供理论依据。研究表明,石北凹陷姜巴斯套组中基性火山岩形成于与俯冲相关的岛弧环境,火山建造主要为近火山口爆发相、近火山口溢流相、远火山口爆发相,沉积建造以岛弧侧翼的扇三角洲相凝灰质砂砾岩、砂岩与远岛弧低洼地带的滨浅海相凝灰质泥岩为主;姜巴斯套组凝灰质泥岩为一套处于成熟—高熟阶段的中等烃源岩,呈北西—南东向条带状分布,厚度分布在100~500 m之间;姜巴斯套组火山岛弧间歇喷发,远岛弧低洼地带凝灰岩与滨浅海凝灰质泥岩互层状分布,凝灰质泥岩与扇三角洲砂砾岩、岛弧火山岩具有良好的源储配置关系,两类储层为下一步重点勘探方向。


  • 图  1  准噶尔盆地石北凹陷及邻区构造单元划分

    Figure  1.  Tectonic units of Shibei Sag and its adjacent areas, Junggar Basin

    图  2  准噶尔盆地石北凹陷石炭系综合柱状图

    Figure  2.  Comprehensive histogram of Carboniferous strata in Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin

    图  3  准噶尔盆地石北凹陷石炭系姜巴斯套组岩浆岩地球化学分析图解


    Figure  3.  Geochemical analysis results for magmatic rocks obtained from Carboniferous Jiangbasitao Formation in Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin

    图  4  准噶尔盆地石北凹陷石炭系姜巴斯套组火山岩地震相

    Figure  4.  Seismic facies of volcanic rocks of Carboniferous Jiangbasitao Formation in Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin

    图  5  准噶尔盆地石北凹陷准北6井石炭系姜巴斯套组下部典型沉积构造特征

    Figure  5.  Features of typical sedimentary structures of lower Jiangbasitao Formation in well Zhunbei 6, Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin

    图  6  准噶尔盆地石北凹陷准北6井石炭系姜巴斯套组上部岩性与测井成像综合柱状图

    Figure  6.  Comprehensive histogram of lithology and logging imaging of upper Jiangbasitao Formation in well Zhunbei 6, Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin

    图  7  准噶尔盆地石北凹陷石炭系姜巴斯套组二段沉积体系

    Figure  7.  Sedimentary system of second member of Carboniferous Jiangbasitao Formation in Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin

    图  8  准噶尔盆地石北凹陷油气源对比

    Figure  8.  Correlations between oil and gas sources in Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin

    图  9  准噶尔盆地石北凹陷准北1井区石炭系姜巴斯套组烃源岩厚度

    Figure  9.  Isopach map of source rocks of Jiangbasitao Formation in Zhunbei 1 well area of Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin

    图  10  准噶尔盆地石北凹陷岛弧环境烃源岩发育模式

    Figure  10.  Development of source rocks in an island arc environment in Shibei Sag, Junggar Basin

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