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熊亮 邓虎成 吴冬 魏力民 王同 周桦 曹凯旋 解馨慧 马若龙 钟雨萄

熊亮, 邓虎成, 吴冬, 魏力民, 王同, 周桦, 曹凯旋, 解馨慧, 马若龙, 钟雨萄. 四川盆地及其周缘下寒武统筇竹寺组细粒沉积特征与影响因素[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(5): 857-871. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202305857
引用本文: 熊亮, 邓虎成, 吴冬, 魏力民, 王同, 周桦, 曹凯旋, 解馨慧, 马若龙, 钟雨萄. 四川盆地及其周缘下寒武统筇竹寺组细粒沉积特征与影响因素[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(5): 857-871. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202305857
XIONG Liang, DENG Hucheng, WU Dong, WEI Limin, WANG Tong, ZHOU Hua, CAO Kaixuan, XIE Xinhui, MA Ruolong, ZHONG Yutao. Fine-grained sedimentary characteristics and influencing factors of the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(5): 857-871. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202305857
Citation: XIONG Liang, DENG Hucheng, WU Dong, WEI Limin, WANG Tong, ZHOU Hua, CAO Kaixuan, XIE Xinhui, MA Ruolong, ZHONG Yutao. Fine-grained sedimentary characteristics and influencing factors of the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(5): 857-871. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202305857


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202305857

国家自然科学基金项目 42072182

中国石化西南油气分公司科研项目 KJ-765-2329

中国石化西南油气分公司科研项目 KJ-766-2330

中国石化西南油气分公司科研项目 KJ-767-2331


    熊亮(1975-), 男, 硕士, 研究员, 从事非常规油气勘探及生产管理等工作。E-mail: xiongliang.xnyq@sinopec.com


    邓虎成(1980-), 男, 博士, 教授, 从事油气开发等工作。E-mail: denghucheng@cdut.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE122.23

Fine-grained sedimentary characteristics and influencing factors of the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery

  • 摘要: 四川盆地及其周缘下寒武统筇竹寺组页岩气资源丰富,已成为盆地重要的页岩气开发层段之一。受控于复杂的沉积格局,该区筇竹寺组粉砂质页岩纵向储层的岩相多样,非均质性强,制约了页岩气勘探和开发,因此亟需对其沉积特征、沉积相带和沉积模式开展研究。基于前期构造、层序地层研究认识,通过对矿物岩石、钻测井、地球化学和古生物等主要资料开展精细分析,明确四川盆地及其周缘早寒武世为海洋—古陆联合影响、水体深度中等、还原作用普遍发生的沉积背景,认为筇竹寺组主要沉积于滨岸相和陆棚相,并以陆棚相为主体,包括浅水陆棚亚相和深水陆棚亚相。通过对波浪和潮汐联合作用、海水蒸发作用、悬浮作用、上升洋流以及沉积古地貌等细粒沉积影响因素开展分析,结合沉积物空间分布特征,建立了四川盆地及其周缘筇竹寺组细粒岩沉积模式,即沉积初期差异沉降作用显著,层序厚度变化大,不同地区沉积特征及影响因素差异较大;沉积中期差异沉降作用不断减弱,层序厚度差异持续减小;沉积末期稳定沉降,进入“广盆”阶段,层序厚度趋于一致。


  • 图  1  四川盆地及其周缘早寒武世构造—沉积分区(a)及地层综合柱状图(b)


    Figure  1.  Tectono-sedimentary compartmentalization (a) and composite stratigraphic column (b) of Early Cambrian in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery

    图  2  四川盆地及其周缘下寒武统筇竹寺组沉积构造

    a.深灰色粉砂质泥岩,水平层理,黄铁矿顺层理分布,普仁1井,3 958.1 m;b.灰色粉砂质泥岩和泥质粉砂岩互层,黄铁矿结核,金页1井,3 409.94 m;c.深灰色粉砂质泥岩夹灰色泥质粉砂岩,生物潜穴,金石103井,3 334.61 m;d.浅灰色泥质粉砂岩,生物扰动强烈,金石103井,3 358.83 m;e.灰色泥质粉砂岩,水平层理,金页1井,3 521.2 m;f.灰色泥质粉砂岩,波状层理,金页1井,3 522.3 m;g.深灰色泥岩和灰色粉砂质泥岩互层,透镜状层理,金石103井,3 321.1 m;h.黄铁矿结核,层理绕结核而过,金石103井,3 315.0 m;i.灰黑色粉砂质泥岩和灰白色粉砂质泥岩互层,微型断层和褶皱,金页2井,3 725.95 m。

    Figure  2.  Sedimentary structures of Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery

    图  3  四川盆地及其周缘下寒武统筇竹寺组微观沉积结构

    a.无明显分异的块状微结构,峨边葛村剖面,TOC含量为0.1%,隐见搅浑现象;b.杂乱分异的块状微结构,峨边葛村剖面,TOC含量为0.1%,片状碎屑随机定向(红色双向箭头);c.水平(红色双向箭头)微结构,峨边葛村剖面,TOC含量为0.34%;d.近平行(红色双向箭头)微结构,城口红坪村剖面,TOC含量为0.15%,粉砂质含量高,粒度粗,成层性好,长石含量高,陆源碎屑供给明显;e.递变微结构,城口红坪村剖面,TOC含量为0.13%,多期韵律(黄色三角),每期厚度1.5~2 mm,底部突变接触(橙色实线);f.软变形微结构,城口红坪村剖面,TOC含量为0.34%,规模较小,长英质和黏土搅浑(白色虚线),可能由泄水作用形成。

    Figure  3.  Microscopic sedimentary structures of Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery

    图  4  四川盆地及其周缘下寒武统麦地坪组—筇竹寺组中古生物分布模式


    Figure  4.  Distribution model of paleontology of Lower Cambrian Maidiping-Qiongzhusi formations in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery

    图  5  四川盆地及其周缘下寒武统筇竹寺组沉积分布

    Figure  5.  Distribution of sedimentary characteristics of Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery

    图  6  四川盆地井研—犍为地区下寒武统筇竹寺组沉积亚相多井对比

    Figure  6.  Multi-well correlation of sedimentary subfacies of Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in Jingyan-Qianwei area, Sichuan Basin

    图  7  四川盆地下寒武统筇竹寺组沉积亚相多井对比

    Figure  7.  Multi-well correlation of sedimentary subfacies of Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in Sichuan Basin

    图  8  陆棚及其沉积地貌示意


    Figure  8.  Conceptual model for continental shelf and its sedimentary geomorphology

    图  9  四川盆地金石103井不同影响因素下下寒武统筇竹寺组细粒岩组分对比

    3 521 m,波浪和潮汐的影响,深灰色粉砂质泥岩和灰色泥质粉砂岩互层,TOC含量为0.23%;3 335 m,海水蒸发的影响,灰色富碳酸盐细粒岩,TOC含量为0.12%;3 578.5 m,悬浮作用的影响,深灰色粉砂质泥岩,TOC含量为0.45%。

    Figure  9.  Comparison of fine-grained rock composition of Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation of well Jinshi 103 in Sichuan Basin under different influencing factors

    图  10  四川盆地及其周缘下寒武统筇竹寺组细粒岩沉积模式


    Figure  10.  Sedimentary model of fine-grained rock of Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery

    表  1  四川盆地金石103井下寒武统筇竹寺组古沉积环境特征参数

    Table  1.   Characteristic parameters of palaeosedimentary environment of Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation of well Jinshi 103, Sichuan Basin

    小层 深度/m V/10-6 Ni/10-6 Cu/10-6 Sr/10-6 V/(V+Ni) Sr/Cu
    3 311.28 180.293 55.297 17.549 116.256 0.77 6.62
    3 315.52 210.778 55.958 31.345 107.639 0.79 3.43
    3 318.41 208.376 53.080 21.578 107.465 0.80 4.98
    3 319.94 115.484 39.144 14.123 102.772 0.75 7.28
    3 323.07 99.285 30.944 7.744 100.677 0.76 13.00
    3 325.99 95.073 28.141 7.601 105.979 0.77 13.94
    3 328.90 100.586 29.846 9.874 103.631 0.77 10.50
    3 331.23 116.127 35.442 14.208 105.087 0.77 7.40
    3 334.07 118.749 37.268 16.940 111.147 0.76 6.56
    3 335.33 54.843 15.657 0.978 268.689 0.78 274.73
    3 335.78 87.297 33.195 10.695 120.504 0.72 11.27
    3 338.01 95.264 45.662 8.576 115.595 0.68 13.48
    3 340.51 66.339 31.094 8.292 115.888 0.68 13.98
    3 343.66 77.381 25.393 16.091 124.225 0.75 7.72
    3 347.23 86.371 31.834 18.969 112.161 0.73 5.91
    3 350.79 77.195 30.035 16.456 90.101 0.72 5.48
    3 353.98 82.511 25.800 11.766 96.746 0.76 8.22
    3 356.91 83.564 26.924 17.329 97.351 0.76 5.62
    3 358.88 112.316 36.080 10.068 101.996 0.76 10.13
    3 361.03 83.078 28.532 9.385 90.710 0.74 9.67
    3 363.51 73.694 21.072 16.024 99.154 0.78 6.19
    3 366.07 82.574 24.828 20.081 98.036 0.77 4.88
    3 368.06 80.668 19.907 9.763 108.221 0.80 11.08
    3 371.64 42.354 14.082 13.257 135.664 0.75 10.23
    3 371.93 28.204 6.191 7.040 633.781 0.82 90.03
    3 375.55 65.363 21.404 11.128 98.299 0.75 8.83
    3 380.17 54.001 18.172 10.274 109.910 0.75 10.70
    3 381.24 35.768 10.501 9.238 260.266 0.77 28.17
    3 382.12 72.238 21.454 8.459 98.015 0.77 11.59
    3 384.78 52.836 16.622 11.955 130.520 0.76 10.92
    3 386.76 57.358 18.925 14.382 118.872 0.75 8.27
    3 387.43 74.626 22.609 18.000 112.244 0.77 6.24
    3 389.99 42.945 15.504 22.558 144.806 0.73 6.42
    3 393.06 75.975 26.994 18.380 106.818 0.74 5.81
    3 395.01 73.371 27.334 24.749 114.175 0.73 4.61
    3 396.47 78.329 29.942 25.627 115.300 0.72 4.50
    3 399.60 62.603 24.005 24.784 122.893 0.72 4.96
    3 401.72 36.382 12.630 14.342 418.348 0.74 29.17
    3 402.11 78.028 30.731 26.748 110.617 0.72 4.14
    3 405.30 71.137 27.759 29.608 126.599 0.72 4.28
    3 407.76 70.669 27.384 26.816 123.850 0.72 4.62
    3 410.42 82.292 33.020 24.367 118.619 0.71 4.87
    3 413.61 80.841 33.055 25.457 111.132 0.71 4.37
    3 415.99 56.943 22.008 20.749 81.005 0.72 3.90
    3 418.49 58.751 21.244 20.129 140.282 0.73 6.97
    3 420.97 55.366 19.509 19.378 465.100 0.74 24.00
    3 423.70 72.458 27.837 29.814 127.499 0.72 4.28
    3 424.97 86.498 32.863 28.169 123.178 0.72 4.37
    3 425.35 57.187 23.740 23.136 135.665 0.71 5.86
    3 425.85 28.551 11.217 16.613 193.505 0.72 11.65
    3 427.62 57.776 22.570 22.544 130.102 0.72 5.77
    3 431.17 52.846 19.470 26.750 130.842 0.73 4.89
    3 434.30 82.680 28.266 30.390 137.213 0.75 4.52
    3 436.49 73.621 25.011 33.137 134.850 0.75 4.07
    3 439.33 46.104 15.780 20.280 452.599 0.75 22.32
    3 442.17 64.535 23.825 31.711 146.865 0.73 4.63
    3 444.55 49.354 17.338 29.056 292.644 0.74 10.07
    3 448.71 69.603 28.005 28.975 131.115 0.71 4.53
    3 452.26 61.793 25.784 44.558 175.310 0.71 3.93
    3 454.93 48.091 18.449 34.470 744.439 0.72 21.60
    3 456.89 40.980 14.861 43.586 552.092 0.73 12.67
    3 458.65 40.503 14.203 31.974 811.738 0.74 25.39
    3 460.42 77.353 31.188 31.760 129.324 0.71 4.07
    3 464.38 57.627 24.352 35.870 134.986 0.70 3.76
    3 468.07 59.947 23.919 35.570 599.082 0.71 16.84
    3 469.67 63.507 25.168 29.315 613.789 0.72 20.94
    3 472.52 68.071 28.793 34.142 123.033 0.70 3.60
    3 475.59 49.295 19.883 44.946 626.026 0.71 13.93
    3 477.22 46.551 17.592 53.001 746.369 0.73 14.08
    3 479.44 58.968 25.137 48.741 535.179 0.70 10.98
    3 481.71 76.540 32.351 40.683 123.124 0.70 3.03
    3 484.74 84.534 32.336 31.005 132.385 0.72 4.27
    3 487.60 48.759 18.901 13.706 477.886 0.72 34.87
    3 491.80 77.063 30.578 24.066 133.348 0.72 5.54
    3 493.59 53.007 21.856 17.319 412.855 0.71 23.84
    3 498.82 54.744 19.630 24.153 118.781 0.74 4.92
    3 500.59 90.144 35.181 21.086 111.186 0.72 5.27
    3 503.69 67.087 22.012 26.264 115.028 0.75 4.38
    3 506.65 75.234 25.176 16.946 143.367 0.75 8.46
    3 508.14 76.857 28.337 19.070 109.465 0.73 5.74
    3 510.80 40.923 15.036 7.462 496.879 0.73 66.59
    3 511.99 53.556 23.779 14.225 348.273 0.69 24.48
    3 513.36 78.059 28.153 21.031 98.588 0.73 4.69
    3 515.78 53.208 20.328 10.992 335.272 0.72 30.50
    3 517.93 47.835 19.571 10.860 360.657 0.71 33.21
    3 520.68 80.902 31.324 21.494 94.306 0.72 4.39
    3 523.49 44.091 15.578 12.731 437.622 0.74 34.37
    3 524.20 66.836 20.889 15.532 158.716 0.76 10.22
    3 526.79 55.028 21.228 17.713 153.999 0.72 8.69
    3 529.69 76.346 28.981 20.037 107.170 0.72 5.35
    3 532.28 87.187 32.199 25.724 102.471 0.73 3.98
    3 534.17 81.552 31.605 24.257 129.159 0.72 5.32
    3 537.15 77.304 29.961 22.813 113.391 0.72 4.97
    3 539.33 96.096 33.516 20.945 99.819 0.74 4.77
    3 541.46 105.609 35.314 27.288 115.022 0.75 4.22
    3 545.02 81.909 29.168 21.655 104.683 0.74 4.83
    3 547.23 79.236 26.998 33.465 117.236 0.75 3.50
    3 550.30 77.673 28.153 19.913 118.972 0.73 5.97
    3 551.97 107.470 38.969 24.410 103.200 0.73 4.23
    3 554.34 78.379 30.700 18.978 105.869 0.72 5.58
    3 556.72 135.836 59.448 35.471 95.915 0.70 2.70
    3 558.66 57.912 18.605 33.175 123.505 0.76 3.72
    3 560.70 82.122 28.497 23.125 112.306 0.74 4.86
    3 562.82 75.539 25.222 27.259 97.379 0.75 3.57
    3 564.71 59.124 18.270 26.422 125.230 0.76 4.74
    3 565.89 39.798 17.600 13.372 433.486 0.69 32.42
    3 566.70 67.981 23.494 31.206 113.678 0.74 3.64
    3 569.46 165.825 50.105 19.119 87.081 0.77 4.55
    3 571.22 60.938 18.558 19.365 136.401 0.77 7.04
    3 573.14 79.354 24.442 17.288 219.451 0.76 12.69
    3 575.24 131.468 36.592 10.948 98.236 0.78 8.97
    3 576.13 82.646 23.205 20.951 105.444 0.78 5.03
    3 577.15 90.161 25.281 25.734 114.309 0.78 4.44
    3 579.23 114.157 24.434 25.126 101.654 0.82 4.05
    3 581.32 102.075 40.429 31.835 105.115 0.72 3.30
    3 582.54 98.650 28.489 34.226 104.825 0.78 3.06
    3 585.05 64.677 19.704 18.500 349.630 0.77 18.90
    3 587.41 416.338 53.845 49.820 94.602 0.89 1.90
    3 590.13 657.144 122.117 39.422 81.559 0.84 2.07
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    表  2  四川盆地及其周缘下寒武统筇竹寺组粉砂质泥岩颗粒主要几何学参数

    Table  2.   Main geometric parameters of silty pmudstone articles in Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery

    钻井/剖面 样品号 沉积环境 扁平度 圆度
    金页2井 9 水体相对浅、弱氧化—还原为主 1.72 0.64
    11 1.70 0.64
    12 1.66 0.65
    18 1.78 0.62
    19 1.82 0.62
    21 1.84 0.61
    22 2.16 0.58
    36 1.76 0.63
    37 1.77 0.62
    38 1.77 0.63
    平均值 1.80 0.62
    长沟村剖面 23 水体相对深、安静、还原为主 1.99 0.58
    31 2.38 0.56
    32 1.85 0.61
    33 1.70 0.64
    34 1.86 0.61
    35 1.87 0.61
    44 1.70 0.64
    45 1.80 0.61
    平均值 1.89 0.61
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