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陈奎 王雯娟 徐万兴 姜占东 舒克栋 黄安敏

陈奎, 王雯娟, 徐万兴, 姜占东, 舒克栋, 黄安敏. 琼东南盆地中央峡谷“深海一号”大气田周缘成藏条件与滚动勘探成效[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(5): 994-1006. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202305994
引用本文: 陈奎, 王雯娟, 徐万兴, 姜占东, 舒克栋, 黄安敏. 琼东南盆地中央峡谷“深海一号”大气田周缘成藏条件与滚动勘探成效[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(5): 994-1006. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202305994
CHEN Kui, WANG Wenjuan, XU Wanxing, JIANG Zhandong, SHU Kedong, HUANG Anmin. Accumulation conditions and rolling exploration results in the periphery of 'Deep Sea No. 1' giant gas field in central canyon of Qiongdongnan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(5): 994-1006. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202305994
Citation: CHEN Kui, WANG Wenjuan, XU Wanxing, JIANG Zhandong, SHU Kedong, HUANG Anmin. Accumulation conditions and rolling exploration results in the periphery of "Deep Sea No. 1" giant gas field in central canyon of Qiongdongnan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(5): 994-1006. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202305994


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202305994

中国海洋石油有限公司科技项目“南海深水盆地油气运聚成藏分析与突破方向” KJGG2022-0103


    陈奎(1986-), 男, 硕士, 高级工程师, 本刊青年编委, 从事油气勘探研究。E-mail: chenkui3@cnooc.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE122.3

Accumulation conditions and rolling exploration results in the periphery of "Deep Sea No. 1" giant gas field in central canyon of Qiongdongnan Basin

  • 摘要: 为探明琼东南盆地中央峡谷“深海一号”大气田的地质储量,推动该大气田的可持续开发,创新性地将滚动勘探技术引入中央峡谷深水天然气勘探。搜索该区5个潜力区块开展了滚动勘探,优选成藏条件优越且能够动用控制地质储量层位的块4,针对莺歌海组T29B、T29E砂体以及黄流组HL-Ⅰ、HL-Ⅲ、HL-Ⅳ气组开展了成藏条件研究;并通过与周边已钻井成果及成藏规律的类比,重点研究了块4的圈闭、储层沉积、油气运聚等成藏条件。块4黄流组和莺歌海组T29E砂体均为被中央峡谷水道壁与峡谷内部后期弱振幅泥质水道联合封闭形成的岩性圈闭,而莺歌海组T29B砂体为峡谷背景下的海底扇局部高点形成的背斜圈闭;通过振幅属性砂体刻画技术、正演模拟技术,落实了块4黄流组和莺歌海组目的层中好的储盖组合;油气通过底辟、高角度裂缝和微裂缝等垂向运移通道运移至目的层圈闭中,而圈闭的顶底板有效性较好,从而起到很好的保存油气的作用。根据各成藏要素落实了资源量参数及潜在资源量,开展深水滚动探井部署,引入深水定向井钻探技术,部署L17-10d井落实含气层系和储量规模,取得了较好的钻探效果。L17-10d井在T29B、T29E砂体及HL-Ⅲ气组钻遇纯气层,气层垂厚近45 m,落实探明地质储量近70亿立方米;证实了中央峡谷深水区的成藏规律,为周边区域滚动勘探指明了方向;同时促进了部分难动用天然气探明地质储量与控制地质储量的动用,为深海一号大气田后续可持续开发提供了有力保障。


  • 图  1  琼东南盆地区域构造及深水气田分布

    Figure  1.  Regional tectonics and deep water gas field distribution of Qiongdongnan Basin

    图  2  琼东南盆地深水一号大气田L17-3井区油藏模式

    Figure  2.  Reservoir pattern of L17-3 well area in "Deep Sea No. 1" giant gas field of Qiongdongnan Basin

    图  3  琼东南盆地深海一号大气田块4 L17-10d井区泥质水道发育模式

    Figure  3.  Development pattern of muddy channel in L17-10d well area of Block 4 in "Deep Sea No. 1" giant gas field of Qiongdongnan Basin

    图  4  琼东南盆地中央峡谷区连井沉积相图

    Figure  4.  Sedimentary facies of wells in central canyon area of Qiongdongnan Basin

    图  5  琼东南盆地深海一号大气田块4莺歌海组T29E砂体正演模拟

    Figure  5.  Forward modeling for T29E sand body in Yinggehai Formation in Block 4 in "Deep Sea No. 1" giant gas field of Qiongdongnan Basin

    图  6  琼东南盆地中央峡谷区油气运移模式

    Figure  6.  Oil and gas migration pattern of central canyon area of Qiongdongnan Basin

    图  7  琼东南盆地中央峡谷区气柱高度统计

    Figure  7.  Statistics of gas column height in central canyon area of Qiongdongnan Basin

    图  8  琼东南盆地深海一号大气田块4滚动勘探井位部署

    Figure  8.  Deployment of rolling exploration wells in Block 4 in "Deep Sea No. 1" giant gas field of Qiongdongnan Basin

    图  9  琼东南盆地深海一号大气田块4 L17-10d井钻后油藏模式

    Figure  9.  Reservoir pattern of Block 4 after drilling of well L17-10d in "Deep Sea No. 1" giant gas field of Qiongdongnan Basin

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