In-situ stress orientation and main controlling factors of deep shale reservoirs in the second member of Paleogene Funing Formation in Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin
摘要: 苏北盆地高邮凹陷阜宁组二段页岩油资源量超7亿吨,但该区构造、应力双复杂的地质条件对页岩油勘探开发造成较大影响,尤其是现今地应力方向的认识不清,制约了水平井井组方案的部署和压裂方案的设计与优化。基于区域震源机制解、特殊测井和水平井压裂微地震监测等资料,结合波速各向异性、古地磁等实验测试分析资料,开展了各类地应力方向解释方法在深层页岩储层中的适用性研究,查明了花庄地区现今地应力的分布特征,并对其影响因素进行了分析。高邮凹陷阜二段现今水平最大主应力方向主要分布在40°—55°,平均方位角为45°,即现今水平最大主应力方向为NE向。平面上,研究区地应力方向与大区域上应力方向具有较小的应力偏转,主要受构造格局的影响;此外,断层附近存在应力扰动带,扰动带内应力偏转较为明显,扰动带的宽度与断层的断距和延伸长度成正相关。通过对比分析,认为微地震监测、诱导裂缝/井壁崩落、岩心实测、阵列声波各向异性的适用性逐级降低,阵列声波测井中的波速各向异性受平面上岩相相变的影响较大。结合地应力方向解释结果、天然裂缝优势走向,建议该区水平井的部署方位为SE155°—SSE170°。Abstract: The shale oil resources in the second member of the Paleogene Funing Formation in the Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin exceed 700 million tons. However, the complex geological conditions of both its structure and stress significantly impact the shale oil exploration and development in this area. In particular, the lack of clarity regarding the present-day in-situ stress orientations constrains the deployment of horizontal well groups and the design and optimization of fracturing projects. In this study, the applicability of various methods for interpreting in-situ stress orientations in deep shale reservoirs was investigated based on data from regional focal mechanism solutions, specialized logging, and microseismic monitoring of horizontal well fracturing, as well as the experimental analysis such as velocity anisotropy and paleomagnetic tests. The distribution characteristics of the present-day in-situ stress in the Huazhuang area were identified, and their influencing factors were analyzed. The results indicated that the present-day maximum horizontal principal stress direction in the second member of the Funing Formation mainly ranged from 40° to 55°, with an average azimuth of 45°, indicating a northeastward orientation. In the planar view, the in-situ stress orientation in the study area exhibited minor stress deviations on a larger regional scale, mainly influenced by the structural patterns. Furthermore, stress perturbation zones were found near faults, where stress deviations were more pronounced, and the width of these perturbation zones was positively correlated with fault displacement and extension length. Comparative analysis suggested a decreasing applicability of microseismic monitoring, induced fractures/wellbore collapses, core measurements, and array acoustic anisotropy. Specifically, the velocity anisotropy in array acoustic logging was significantly influenced by lithological phase transitions on a planar scale. Based on the interpretation of stress orientations and the dominant trends of natural fractures, the recommended horizontal well deployment azimuth for this area is SE155° to SSE170°.
Key words:
- shale reservoir /
- in-situ stress orientation /
- Funing Formation /
- Paleogene /
- Gaoyou Sag /
- Subei Basin
图 1 苏北盆地高邮凹陷阜宁组二段断裂特征
a.苏北盆地构造单元划分;b.高邮凹陷阜二段断裂体;c.高邮凹陷NNW—SSE向剖面;d.高邮凹陷地层综合柱状图。Figure 1. Fault characteristics of the second member of Funing Formation in Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin
图 2 郯庐断裂带南段及其邻区水平最大主应力轴分布
Figure 2. Distribution of maximum horizontal principal stress axes in southern section of Tanlu Fault and surrounding areas
图 9 苏北盆地高邮凹陷花庄地区阜宁组二段断层附近应力扰动带宽度变化规律
Figure 9. Width variations in stress perturbation zones near faults in the second member of Funing Formation, Huazhuang area, Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin
表 1 苏北盆地高邮凹陷阜宁组二段岩心实测地应力方向统计
Table 1. Statistics of measured in-situ stress orientations in core samples from the second member of Funing Formation in Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin
井号 层位 深度/m 标志线古地磁定向方向 水平最大主应力与标志线夹角 测试方法 水平最大主应力方向 HY1井 阜二段页Ⅴ亚段 3 586.02 212.3° 191.5° 波速各向异性 NE43.8° HY7井 阜二段页Ⅳ亚段 4 080.40 122.0° 135.0° 波速各向异性 NEE77.0° 表 2 苏北盆地高邮凹陷不同方法分析水平最大主应力方向结果对比分析
Table 2. Comparative analysis of maximum horizontal principal stress orientations interpreted by different methods in Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin
分析方法 水平最大主应力方向 HY1井 H2C井 HY3井 HY7井 岩心实测 43.6° 77.0° 测井波速各向异性 65°—75°(*) 90°—100°(*) 65°—75° 成像测井诱导裂缝 35°—50° 70°—80° 65°—75° 70°—80° 成像测井井壁崩落 65°—75° 70°—80° 与区域应力方向一致性 是 否 否 否 注:“*”表示判定为不准确。 -
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