Author's Commitment and Copyright Transfer Agreement

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To the Editorial Office of Petroleum Geology & Experiment (hereafter referred to as "the Editorial Office"):

We, the undersigned authors, hereby acknowledge and accept the submission requirements of Petroleum Geology & Experiment and solemnly pledge the following:

(1) We voluntarily sign this commitment to Petroleum Geology & Experiment.

(2) We possess the full and exclusive copyright to the article submitted to the Editorial Office, which is titled "_____________________________________________________" (hereafter referred to as "the Article"). The Article contains no content that breaches laws, regulations, or academic integrity.

(3) The Article is an original work and contains no instances of plagiarism or infringement upon others' intellectual property. We have diligently checked all citations, notes, and all other materials in the Article to ensure their accuracy. Any borrowed ideas, data, or results have been duly cited.

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(7) If the Article is published in Petroleum Geology & Experiment, we agree to transfer its worldwide copyright (including but not limited to rights of reproduction, distribution, information network dissemination, translation, and compilation) to the Editorial Office. The Editorial Office can then publish and use the Article in any media and in all languages. In addition, the Editorial Office may grant licenses for all or part of the aforementioned rights to third parties. The copyright transfer fee is encompassed within the remuneration provided by the Editorial Office.

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(10) In line with the Copyright Law, the Editorial Office reserves the right to make minor edits and revisions to the Article.

(11) Should we breach any of these commitments, the Editorial Office can retract the published Article, issue a public reprimand about the Article and its authors within academic and journal communities, and notify pertinent institutions about potential administrative actions against the lead authors.

(12) Two copies of this document shall be prepared, one each for the authors and the Editorial Office, for future verification.

(13) This document takes effect from the date of the authors' signatures.


Article title: ____________________________________________________________

Signatures of all authors:









Date: __________ (YYYY) __________ (MM) __________ (DD)

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